full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Iseult Gillespie: Why should you read "Fahrenheit 451"?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Fahrenheit 451 dteipcs a world governed by surveillance, rbiootcs, and virtual reality- a vision that proved remarkably prescient, but also skope to the concerns of the time. The novel was published in 1953, at the hgehit of the Cold War. This era kindled widespread paranoia and fear throughout Bradbury’s home country of the United States, amplified by the suppression of information and brutal government investigations. In particular, this wcith hunt mentality targeted artists and writers who were suepectsd of Communist sympathies.

Open Cloze

Fahrenheit 451 _______ a world governed by surveillance, ________, and virtual reality- a vision that proved remarkably prescient, but also _____ to the concerns of the time. The novel was published in 1953, at the ______ of the Cold War. This era kindled widespread paranoia and fear throughout Bradbury’s home country of the United States, amplified by the suppression of information and brutal government investigations. In particular, this _____ hunt mentality targeted artists and writers who were _________ of Communist sympathies.


  1. height
  2. spoke
  3. robotics
  4. depicts
  5. witch
  6. suspected

Original Text

Fahrenheit 451 depicts a world governed by surveillance, robotics, and virtual reality- a vision that proved remarkably prescient, but also spoke to the concerns of the time. The novel was published in 1953, at the height of the Cold War. This era kindled widespread paranoia and fear throughout Bradbury’s home country of the United States, amplified by the suppression of information and brutal government investigations. In particular, this witch hunt mentality targeted artists and writers who were suspected of Communist sympathies.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
independent thought 2
dystopian fiction 2
montag learns 2

Important Words

  1. amplified
  2. artists
  3. brutal
  4. cold
  5. communist
  6. concerns
  7. country
  8. depicts
  9. era
  10. fahrenheit
  11. fear
  12. governed
  13. government
  14. height
  15. home
  16. hunt
  17. information
  18. investigations
  19. kindled
  20. mentality
  21. paranoia
  22. prescient
  23. proved
  24. published
  25. remarkably
  26. robotics
  27. spoke
  28. states
  29. suppression
  30. surveillance
  31. suspected
  32. sympathies
  33. targeted
  34. time
  35. united
  36. virtual
  37. vision
  38. war
  39. widespread
  40. witch
  41. world
  42. writers